My Joy Journey

My word for 2024 was Joy.

Joy in my mahi, joy in my life, and joyful relationships.

As we know, life throws us lessons that can feel less than joyful at times, while also serving up the most joyful moments imaginable. It’s the rollercoaster of life that we hold onto, and as much as we may try to control the ups and downs, the track is already set. It’s how we ride it that makes the difference to the outcome.

In my mahi, I have walked alongside incredible people who inspire me every day to be a better version of both my professional and personal self so that I can bring my best self to them and their people. I have also navigated extremes in governmental policies around funding allocations, which have impacted my business—but not my resolve. I remain intent on my purpose: supporting people to recognise and live into their life’s purpose. This fills my heart with joy. Their successes, their connection to self and others, and their growth light a fire in my soul, reminding me that I am walking the right path.

Amidst all of this, I have travelled the path of self-doubt—perhaps even more than usual this year. In my mid-50s, I have often felt invisible, overlooked, out of touch, and, at times, irrelevant. I’ve had to dig deep to reaffirm my sense of self, place, and space in the world and in my mahi. This is another pathway of womanhood—one we don’t often talk about, but one that I know affects many of us wāhine toa.

Personally, 2024 has been a similar journey. The changing seasons of life have led me to reassess who gets to be in my precious life and which relationships I wish to nourish and nurture. This has been a grieving cycle in itself, but one that has left me with absolute clarity about my worth, my boundaries, and who I wish to give my time and love to.

And so, 2025 is now here.

I have taken time out in Thailand to recalibrate, reconnect, and deepen my connections with myself and those close to me.

I step into this year firmly and intentionally. I step with a full and open heart.
I step with a clear intent to be and bring my best self.
I also move forward with an even deeper understanding of who I am.

So, my two words for 2025 are Balance and Expansion.

I’ll tell you more about those in my next post.

What are your learnings and gratitude’s from 2024? I’d love to hear.

Big aroha,

MA. xo

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What’s in a Word?


Reflecting on the Year: Celebrating Success, Learning, and Growth