Transition to Work

Prepare your people for the world of work

As work beckons, it's paramount to ensure your candidates embark on this journey well-prepared. Welcome to our Transitioning into Work programme – a transformative experience designed to empower candidates as they step from study into the dynamic world of employment.

Designed for recruitment companies, schools, and tertiary organisations, this programme is dedicated to preparing students for employment, equipping them with the essentials for a seamless transition.

Working within small groups, participants delve into a journey of self-discovery. They uncover their strengths and areas of development, guided by our expert facilitators. This exploration sets the stage for their successful transition into the workforce.

Delivered over three workshops, strategically-designed to support participants' transition into employment.

Workshop 1: Unpacking Strengths & Goals

Participants engage in a 1-day workshop, unpacking their personal Emotional Capital Report self-assessment. They explore their strengths, build capability in identified areas, and set personal goals that will guide their journey.

Workshop 2: Progress and Momentum

The second 1-day workshop is dedicated to reviewing personal goals and milestones. Participants decode feedback from self-identified raters, further honing their strengths. They build capability in identified areas and set the next steps in motion to maintain momentum.

Workshop 3: Crafting the Path Forward

In the final 1-day workshop, participants reflect on their progress. They create a compelling Curriculum Vitae, capturing their accomplishments effectively. Interview skills are honed, ensuring they're well-prepared to make an impact in job interviews.

Transition to work

*We can run these workshops for your team at your place. Contact us to discuss dates and rates.