How to make learning engaging

We have been working with a number of schools to support assessment for learning, hybrid learning and curriculum redesign (among other things) and a common question is, 'how can we get our learners to engage?'

Posting content online is just like giving students a worksheet (SAMR model). We need to transform their learning experience by tailoring the content, being targeted with our delivery and thinking about relevance as well as their real world application.

Our facilitators were collaborating on this very problem and wondered, 'What if there could be a quick reference tool to support teachers for designing engaging learning?' 'What if we could make one?'

And so they did.

This Engaging Learning Checklist is not designed to be overwhelming. It is ok to start small. Kotahi karihi nāna ko te wao tapu nui a Tāne. (The creation of the forests of Tāne comes from one kernel).

Start small, try one of these tips. Set yourself a challenge and work with a group from your team - how could you work together to trial and experiment with some of these techniques?

You could also treat this tool like a bingo board and colour in the squares as you explore each idea. Or you could work collaboratively and use it as a springboard for discussion to see what others have tried and what they have learned in the process.

The essence of designing engaging learning is that it is personalised and fun. And if you are having fun, then the students will have fun too.

What do you think? Which techniques are you already doing? Which one might be your next target?


Literacy across the curriculum - NCEA


Momentum Learning Pānui May 2022