Growing Capability Together

Are you ready to get some traction with your professional learning?

We hear your stories on the ground when we are working with schools across Aotearoa. We hear you when you speak about the loss of learning time, the need to re-engage with whānau and how the ‘urgent’ has been taking over what is important. We can see the ripple effect of how this is affecting learners and we are here to help you to be re-grounded into your ‘why’.


Check out this video that explains the importance of standing strong together - no matter what the disruption. 


We know that areas of growth in a school need to be woven together like the roots of trees. Priorities can be interconnected and there is strength in combining ‘root systems’ in order to stand strong.  We partner with you to identify and prioritise the ‘seeds’ for your areas of growth. We then work together to create and nurture your thriving ecosystem.


Regionally Allocated PLD Applications (RAPLD) are due on Friday the 12th of August and Friday the 4th of November. Now is the time to make a difference. Let’s refocus on learning and professional growth. Email us so that we can take the pain out of the paperwork, support you to draft an application and help you to get what you need to realise your vision.  


Visual Thinking - 10 ways


Nurturing a New Normal with Digital Fluency